Food Processing: Principles and Applications
Author Information
J. Scott Smith, Y. H. HuiProduct Details
ISBN: 9780813819426
Publish Date: 08/12/2013
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Number of pages: 524
Renowned international academicians and food industry professionals have collaborated to create
Food Processing: Principles and Applications. This practical, fully illustrated resource examines the principles of food processing and demonstrates their application by describing the stages and operations for manufacturing different categories of basic food products.
Ideal as an undergraduate text, Food Processing stands apart in three ways:
- The expertise of the contributing authors is unparalleled among food processing texts today.
- The text is written mostly by non-engineers for other non-engineers and is therefore user-friendly and easy to read.
- It is one of the rare texts to use commodity manufacturing to illustrate the principles of food processing.
As a hands-on guide to the essential processing principles and their application, this book serves as a relevant primary or supplemental text for students of food science and as a valuable tool for food industry professionals.
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